Rev. Fr. Zacharias Pullayil, was born to Mr. Augustine and Mrs. Mary on 12 April, 1936. He hails from St. Sebastian’s Church, Gothuruth. Having advanced in years and weakened by old age ailments he rested in the Lord on 14 May 2020 at the age of 84. He had served our Province in many ways and under varied titles.
His funeral service was held on 15 May, 2020 at 10:00 a.m. in Manjummel. The funeral service was officiated by Very Rev. Fr. Provincial, and co-celebrated by Rev. Frs. Antony Ponvelil and Varghese Kanichukatt. Following the Covid-19 restrictions imposed by the government, the attendance was very few. However, arrangements were made for the closest family members of Fr. Zacharias to participate in the funeral rites. May his blessed soul be chosen to dine at the Lord’s side.
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