Province Day 2020
The last Province day of triennium was held on 9th January 2020 at our Carmelite Provincial House. The celebration of the day began at 4pm with a breaking of the bread with the theme communion, communication and mission. The members both fathers and brothers of our province as a family joined our Provincial, Rev. Dr. Augustine Mulloor OCD to elevateour hearts and mind in gratitude to thank the Lord for all Hisblessing.Rev. Fr. Antony Ittikunnath OCD gave the homily. At 5.30pm we hada break for tea and snacks. At 6pm we gathered together in our Carmel Hall for cultural evening. Fr. Antony Ponvelil,the Vicar Provincial welcomed the gathering. Fr. Dennis Tharayil felicitated and admired our Provincial for his sincere commitment and tireless effort to make us progress both materially and spiritually. Thereafter, Fr. Provincial cut the cake and blessed the gathering with a thought provoking message. He also honoured the winners of the annual sports’ Meet 2019 with cash awards & prizes. The mesmerising performance on the stage by our students at different formation houses created lovely & amusement moments for the entire spectators. After the delicious banquet we departed to our own houses.
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