Jyotir Bhavan campus was filled with jubilation as it witnessed a very rare event of spending a couple of hours with JB’s Chancellor, Very Rev. Fr. General, Saverio Cannistra OCD and his six Councillors. The team arrived at JB with Rev. Fr. Provincial, Augustine Mulloor by 10.15 a.m. After a short visit to various buildings and endeavours in the campus the Institute had arranged a meeting of the dignitaries with the students of JB (B.Th., Spirituality, Novices’ course and Carmelite Spirituality). The meeting was filled with the presence of more than 100 students and the professors. Fr. Thomas Marottikaparambil, the President welcomed the dais, Fr. Wilson Srambikal gave a short description about the activities of JB. Fr. General addressed the audience and Fr. Johannes Gorentila too shared his thoughts with us. There was time allotted for the interaction with the dignitaries and students. The releasing of “Jagat Jyoti” the students’ magazine was done during the meeting and it was concluded by the vote of thanks of Fr. Rajeev. The General team along with the Provincial left for Manjummel after sharing the meal with the community.
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