Jyotir Bhavan celebrated Institute’s Day
“Whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him” (Col 3:17)
Jyotir Bhavan celebrated Institute’s Day, “JYOTIR GAMAYA” on Friday 2nd February 2018. The Solemn Eucharistic celebration was at 05 PM, sisters lead the celebrants through the welcome dance to the altar of the abode of light and the chief celebrant was Rev. Dr. Antony Ponvelil OCD, the First Councillor of Manjummel Province. Priests hailing from different communities of Manjummel Province and different Congregations and Parishes were present for it. All the brought ups of JB were invited and our neighboring religious communities and all the well wishers too. The Eucharistic celebration was concluded with the vote of thanks by Fr. Thomas Marottikaparambil, the President of the Institute. After the table fellowship the participants retraced their steps to the auditorium for a cultural programme. The colourfully decked stage and relevant programme made the day jubilant. The students from Spirituality and Theology courses exposed their hidden talents on the stage. Rev. Fr. Antony Ponvelil released “JAGAT JYOTI” the Jyotir Bhavan bulletin. Around three hundred people jointed the Institute for the function.
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