For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” (Jeremiah 29:11).
Yes it was the plan of God to have a new Provincial House at Sundaragiri, Kalamassery. It was revealed to us in the fulfilment of time in the last Provincial chapter. Present Provincial Council took it up and brood it over and over and made it a subject of discussion & Study in different formats like superiors’ meet, plenary council, and finally in the commission appointed by the provincial Council that consists of Fr. Antony Ponvelil (convenor), Fr. Jacob Palliparambil, Fr. Prasad & Fr. Godwin to reach a conclusion. Thus on 2nd February, the feast day of presentation of our Lord Very Rev. Fr. Provincial Dr. Augustine Mulloor OCD blessed and laid the foundation stone for the St. Pius X Provincial House (OCD Manjummel Province) and central office of St. Joseph Hospital Trust at Sundaragiri in the Presence of Rev. Msgr. Joseph Padiyaramparambil, the Vicar Forane, Rev. Fr. Zacharias Pavanathara, the vicar, St. Pius X church, Kalamassery, Provincial Councillors, Rev. Fathers & brothers from near and distant communities, theology brothers, Rev. Sisters from Bridgitine convent , Kalamassery , Mr. Sojan the Architect, Mr. Abhilash ,structural engineer, Mr. Joseph & Mr. Saju, contractors and well-wishers.
Let us glorify the Lord for His unconditional benevolence poured upon our Province time to time and remain united in prayer.