Course on Carmelite Charism
A short course on Carmelite Charism was conducted at Pushpadaan form 4th to 10th February 2018. The participants were the novices belonging to three provinces (Calicut, Kottayam and Mysore) of the Carmelites of Mary Immaculate. It was a time to discover with them the specific identity and role of the Carmelites in the Church especially in Kerala.
The response of the participants was satisfactory and they understood how it is necessary to get out of the ego centric spirituality which makes the religion an ornament of ego. Only by destroying its tyranny we can establish true spirituality in us and the spiritual exercises help us to break open the ego centric walls that block our spiritual journey to the new kingdom of God, world and man proposed by Jesus. The ‘dark night’ in this journey is illumined by the beacon of faith, hope and love.