Ecclesial Contributions

The pioneers of Manjummel province were men of outstanding personalities, endowed with manifold talents. They served the local church and the universal church with an indomitable spirit and left behind them traces of an admirable pattern of religious zeal for and the selfless dedication to the service of God and men. Rev. FrLouis Vypissery prepared the first catholic translation of the Gospels in Malayalam in 1896. He was also the powerful editor of the first Catholic Sunday Newspaper called Satyanadakahalambegun in 1876. He was also the author of some important books such as Marana Bheedi, Su-mana-Smarana, Veda PrasangaSarani, VyakulaPrasangam and ParisudhaJananiyodulla reach out to the common people through press apostolate, our predessors started three magazine within a period of thirty years: Cherupushpamin 1924, little Flower in English in 1936 and KunjuMasikain 1954. Bro. RockeyPalackal’s unique contribution to Vijayapuram mission gave him the title “the apostle of the outcast”. Bro. Leopold too made remarkable contribution to the church in Kerala through his writings namely Latin Catholics of Kerala, AnanthaNikshepam(7 Volums), AmmayudeSammanam, YuvaMargaDeepam, Visudhavararahasyam and AnudhinaPrarthana. This creative patrimony was preserved and transmitted in new creative ways in the years after TOCDS became part of the First Order. Fr. Cyril Papali who was on the staff of the Urbanianum University was a peritus in Second Vatican Council and the main contributor in the preparation of the document Nostra Aetate. Fr. Daniel Acharuparambil became the Rector Magnificus of Urbanianum University and later the Archbishop of Verapoly. Fr. Jerome Payyapilly was the initiator of organized social service in the Archdiocese of Verapoly and a trend-shifter in the Province concerning the social commitment.Rev. Fr. Athanasius D Almeida and Rev. Fr. Augustine Mulloor served as Definitors to the Order. Fr. Benedict Kanackappally succeeded Fr. Daniel and now serves as the Vice-Rector and Dean of Missiology of Urbanianun University.

Parish Services

Immaculate Conception Monastery, Manjummel Joseph’s Church, Varapuzha Jude’s Church, Unichira Sacred Heart Church, Mudickal Our Lady of Health, Ponjnassery Poor Clares Chapel,…

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Services to the Universal Church and Abroad

Casa Generalizia, Rome Teresianum, Rome Urbanianum, Rome Essen Community, Germany Cologne Community, Germany Terni, Italy Arezzo, Italy Kuwait Mandurah, W. Australia Palm…

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Centres of Spirituality Courses and Retreats

Carmel Retreat Centre For the spiritual renewal of the people of God, a centre was opened at Manjummel.  It is called Carmel…

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Ecclesiastical Institutions

  Pius X Philosophy College, Piusnagar, Idduki A new residential Philosophy College for the Students of the Province was started in 1965-66…

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Bible Translation into Malayalam

The great dream of translating Bible into Malayalam was undertaken by the members of the Manjummel Province.  The maiden attempt for translation…

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Literary Contributions

1. The I.S. Press, Ernakulam was begun first in Koonammavu in 1869. It was later transferred to Varapuzha in 1880 and to…

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Contributions to the Order

The Origin and Expansion of the Karnataka-Goa Province: The present St. Pius X Province of Manjummel Province was a diocesan religious congregation…

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